Top Tips for Creating an Irresistible Offer: How to Be Bold and Ask for the Sale

May 29, 2024

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Ever feel like your offers are getting lost in the noise? Well, it’s time to change that! Let’s dive into crafting an irresistible offer that’s so compelling, your audience can’t help but say “YES!”

Top Tips for Creating an Irresistible Offer: How to Be Bold and Ask for the Sale

First things first, let’s clarify something: an offer isn’t just a service or a product. It’s the way you present your service or product. It’s an invitation to work with you or buy from you, and it needs to be delivered with confidence and clarity.

Understand Objections and Address Them Head-On

People will have objections—it’s natural. But your job is to make your offer so good that these objections melt away. This doesn’t mean overpromising or fluffing up your offer with buzz words and/or unrealistic claims. It’s about being honest, clear, and delivering real value. Let’s break down the seven key ingredients to make your offer a no-brainer.

The 7 Ingredients to a “Heck Yes!” Offer

1. Promise

Your promise is the heart of your offer. It’s what you’re committing to deliver. Be clear and specific about the transformation or result your audience will achieve. For instance, instead of saying, “Improve your finances,” say, “Double your savings in six months.”

2. Process

People need to know how they’ll get from point A to point B. Outline your process step-by-step so they can visualize the journey. This not only builds trust but also demystifies the path to success. The most important question you need to answer here is WHY this process can help them finally achieve results that other methods can’t.

3. Price

Price can be a big sticking point, so you need to justify it. Highlight the value they’ll receive and how it outweighs the cost. Be transparent about what’s included and why it’s worth every penny. People are looking for ROI here. Tell them straight up. People are more likely to avoid pain than to gain pleasure. How does your product/service help them avoid the pains that are currently keeping them up at night. If you nail this, selling becomes much easier.

4. Why

Why did you design your offer this way? What makes it different from everything else out there? Your “why” should resonate with your audience’s needs and desires. Maybe you’ve tailored it specifically for busy creatives who need quick, impactful results.

5. Urgency

Create a sense of urgency to prompt immediate action. This could be a limited-time discount, an early-bird price, or a fast-action bonus. Urgency nudges people to move before they miss out.

6. Scarcity

Scarcity leverages the fear of missing out. Limited spots, a capped number of products, or a time-bound enrollment period can make your offer more attractive. If they believe they might lose the opportunity, they’re more likely to act now.

7. Bonuses

We tell our clients all the time: there’s a wrong way to do bonuses, and that is by adding random stuff nobody cares about.

These bonuses serve specific purposes both in client experience and the selling process. A good bonus is something that enhances the overall experience of your product or service, but it’s not essential to achieve the primary goal. Additionally, a good bonus should overcome objections.

For example, if you’re selling a video content course and the promise of your offer is to help people get their first 1,000 YouTube subscribers, one of the biggest objections people have might be that they’re camera shy. So, your bonus could be a Faceless Video Content Guide. That way, you enhance their experience and overcome their biggest hesitation at the same time. Kill two birds with one stone, you know.

Putting It All Together

Here’s a little template to get you started:

The Bold Promise: “Transform your financial chaos into clarity and control in just 90 days.”

The Clear Process: “With our 5-step Financial Freedom Framework, you’ll go from overwhelmed to organized, using proven strategies tailored for creatives.”

The Price: “This life-changing program is available for just $997, a fraction of what you’d spend on generic finance courses that don’t address your unique needs.”

The Compelling Why: “I created this program after seeing so many talented creatives struggle with managing their finances. It’s different because it’s designed specifically for your lifestyle and challenges.”

The Urgency: “Sign up by Friday and get a 30% discount!”

The Scarcity: “Only 20 spots available to ensure personalized attention.”

The Irresistible Bonuses: “Enroll now and receive a bonus one-hour coaching session, plus our exclusive ‘Creative’s Budget Tracker’ tool.”

Be Bold and Ask for the Sale

Now that you have the framework, it’s time to put it into action. Don’t be shy about asking for the sale. Remember, you’re offering something valuable that can change your clients’ lives. Be confident, be clear, and most importantly, be bold.

Happy selling, and may your next offer be your best one yet!

Got questions or need help refining your offer? DM us on Instagram to book a FREE, no-pitch session—we’re here to help you shine!


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