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Convert more Customers, Launch with Ease

The hidden cost of ignoring design: Why your “irresistible offer & messaging” isn’t converting

“Irresistible offer” and “magnetic messaging” are the buzzwords these days. And for good reason. No matter how flawless your launch strategy or course content may be, nothing fixes a broken offer or flat messaging. But here’s a little reality check. Have you ever invested in a $3k launch course or an ultra-expensive mastermind promising to […]

Convert more Customers, Look Professional

Steal my design secret for a high-converting sales page

You’ve got the offer, the testimonials, and the confidence—but is your sales page doing the heavy lifting? I’m about to drop some truth that’ll change how you approach your next launch. As a brand designer, I’m here to let you in on a little-known secret that the pros use to create sales pages that don’t […]

Branding, Business, Copy, Website

“wait, she charged THAT MUCH?”

Ever look at your competitors’ websites and wonder, “How do they charge that much?” while knowing what you offer is just as good, if not better, but you’re struggling to raise your prices? 🙃 Great news for you 👇🏻 You don’t need to add more stuff (aka features) to your services to charge more. But […]

Because more than
75% of people judge a company’s credibility based on its website…

Here's a cheat sheet to save you hundreds of hours and give you 21 powerful, easy-to-implement website tweaks.

But most barely know how to make it better. 

[ Download Now ]

hi, we are

Real-life sisters and business partners. 

What if your website could be your top salesperson working 24/7/365?

After 4+ years of sales, PR, and editorial experience, working with over 43 clients, and embracing a servant-hearted mentality, we’re here to empower online entrepreneurs like you to sell your proven offers to more people on autopilot, so you can focus on, well, anything else.

Meet Cynthia & Zoe 

Cynthia & Zoe