The hidden cost of ignoring design: Why your “irresistible offer & messaging” isn’t converting

September 18, 2024

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“Irresistible offer” and “magnetic messaging” are the buzzwords these days. And for good reason. No matter how flawless your launch strategy or course content may be, nothing fixes a broken offer or flat messaging.

But here’s a little reality check. Have you ever invested in a $3k launch course or an ultra-expensive mastermind promising to help you create your signature offer? You’re on fire – confident in your offer, messaging is killing it, you’re hitting every pain point, and yet… your audience isn’t biting.

Sound familiar?

What gives?

Here’s the answer: Your design is holding you back.

We’ve all been there, convincing ourselves that “messaging is king” and “value speaks louder than visuals.” While that’s somewhat true, the real tea is this: We live in a world where design does a lot of the talking. And if your design looks half-baked or inconsistent, no one’s sticking around long enough to even see your value-packed offer.

So, why does design matter so much?

Let’s break down the hidden costs of neglecting it.

1. First Impressions Are Everything

Imagine landing on a website or any social media platform that looks like it hasn’t been updated since 2018. Even if the messaging is on point and the offer is golden, most visitors are not gonna invest their time to explore more.

Ever heard a coach tell you you can sell with just a plain Google Doc, but it’s not working for YOU? Check out this blog post.

Research shows it takes just 7 seconds for people to form an opinion about your site. Neglecting design means losing potential customers before they even get the chance to appreciate your genius.

The takeaway: No matter how great your messaging is, you can’t ignore the power of design if you want to make a strong first impression.

2. Inconsistent Branding Leads to Confusion & Low Conversions

You promise high-end, luxury results, but your website looks like a DIY project gone wrong. This is a major red flag. When your visuals don’t match your messaging, people get confused. And when they’re confused? They don’t convert.

Your design and messaging should work together, like the ultimate power couple. It’s not enough for your words to say “high-touch”, “one of a kind” if your visuals scream “half-a$$.”

Consistency = Trust. And trust is key to conversions.

3. The Psychology of Design: Humans Buy with Their Eyes

Here’s the deal: 80-90% of the information transmitted to the brain is visual. This means that your prospects aren’t just reading your copy; they’re experiencing it. Every choice, from colors to fonts to layout, communicates something to your audience. And if your design isn’t aligned with your message, you’re losing out on emotional impact.

Great design evokes emotions and drives people to take action. Without it, your offer might be like a killer song that no one ever hears.

So, What’s the Fix?

Here’s how you can stop leaving money on the table and start turning your design into a conversion machine:

Think of your launch as a pop-up event. Visualize it: Where’s your venue? What vibe do you want? What’s the dress code? Imagine the way you’d present yourself to make a splash in real life, then translate that into your online visuals.

To make it fun, create a Pinterest board with the colors, moods, and designs that align with your brand. This exercise can not only clarify your vision but also make the often stressful process of launching more exciting.

Need a little inspo? We’re offering free customized mood boards to help you nail down your launch aesthetic – turnaround time is just 2-4 biz days. You’re welcome!

Hers’s a quick video for the HOW:

However, It just help you grab the main colors, you still have to adjust the hex to make it perfect.

Create a set of templates for all your launch materials – sales pages, social media graphics, emails – and stick to it. This ensures your brand looks polished and consistent across all platforms, reinforcing your message and giving off major pro vibes.

That’s a Wrap!

If you’re relying on an “irresistible offer” but your design looks like it’s still figuring things out, guess what? Your audience will feel the same way.

Stop holding your business back. Marry great design with your killer messaging, and you’ll be converting with ease in no time.

When you’re ready, here are some supporting resources:

  1. Get a FREE Brand Style Assessment for more clarity and confidence—without spending $$$ on a designer who might not get you.

  2. Get free access to these 6 brand templates & font pairings to transform your brand.


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Waiting for the perfect moment to redo your website?

It was probably yesterday.

Attract and convert more ideal clients—those who respect your process, trust your expertise, and can’t resist your incredible taste, personality, and messaging.

Simply put —
your website will live rent-free in your audience’s heads.