How to create a better website that actually converts

April 8, 2024

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It doesn’t take long to figure out if a website is worth exploring. In fact, customers judge a company’s credibility in SECONDS based on its website. 

Skilled copy and website design stick out and KEEP the visitors engaged. When small business owners fail to do so, they lose out on sales before they even have the chance to tell people what they’re about.

The thing is, the industry is only going to get louder, especially with the help of ChatGPT and AI tools. 

So, if you want to stand out instead of taking up space on the internet, it’s time to invest in a website that WORKS FOR YOU – so you can save time on content creation while converting more visitors into customers.

In this post, we’re going to uncover the key to creating a website that not only captivates but converts like clockwork. We’ll also give you a free Website Conversion Checklist so you can get your hands on the 21 small, but powerful tweaks anyone can do to boost website conversions!

Let’s do it, friend!

We understand the frustration and confusion that often accompany website creation. It’s like there are so many little pieces: branding, color palette, messaging, copy, website functionality, integration – OH MY! Is your head spinning yet?

When there are too many options and potentials, it’s easy to fall into the trap of following trends or replicating what seems to work for others (especially when there are unlimited options for design templates or semi-custom this and semi-custom that…), only to find that it falls short of your expectations – because it doesn’t really tell your audience who you really are and what makes you different.

But here’s the thing – your brand design, website design, and copy are deeply interconnected. And if you just grab the newest design trend/template, you’re likely to lose sight of what truly matters: connecting with your audience authentically and compellingly.

Building a stunning brand can often feel like assembling a crew for an award-winning movie. Imagine you’re on a mission to create the next Best Picture. Stunning visuals might catch your eye, much like a beautiful, ornate set. However, if it doesn’t align with your business’s story, messaging, and unique voice, it’s like having a gorgeous set that doesn’t fit the film’s message – beautiful but ultimately out of place.

Continuing down the path of following trends or replicating what seems to work for others may well give you a website, but it might not actually work FOR you like you want it to. Without a website that authentically reflects your brand and resonates with your audience, you’re leaving money on the table and missing out on countless opportunities for growth and success.

So, what’s the secret sauce to unlocking conversion success? It’s simple – you need a website that speaks directly to your audience’s needs and desires. At Hype Studio, we believe that authenticity and connection are the cornerstones of effective branding and design. It’s not about following the latest trends or replicating what works for others; it’s about crafting a website that authentically reflects who you are and resonates with your ideal customers.

What does this mean for you?

Your approach to a high-converting website can’t just be about aesthetics; it’s about creating meaningful connections that drive results. Imagine a website that effortlessly guides visitors through their journey, seamlessly leading them towards conversion at every step. Picture a brand that not only captivates but also converts, turning casual visitors into raving fans and loyal customers.

Now, let’s dive into three key principles derived from our framework that will help you create a website that truly converts:

1. Don’t Make Them Think

The thing is, website visitors form an opinion about a website within 0.05 seconds of visiting. Therefore, clarity and simplicity are paramount. As Steve Krug also states, “Your website should be self-evident, obvious, and self-explanatory.”

Imagine a visitor lands on your homepage. Within seconds, they should understand what your business offers, how it benefits them, and what action they should take next. If they’re confused or unsure, they’re likely to leave without exploring further.

By keeping your messaging concise and your design clean, you’ll make it easier for visitors to engage with your content and take the desired action.

Actionable Item:

Take a look at your website as if you knew nothing about your business. Do you get it? Is the design distracting or making you smile and want to keep looking? Do you want to explore and learn more about your own brand? Do you understand what you’re trying to say?

2. Make It Look Impressive They Wanna Keep Scrolling:

Research by Adobe found that 38% of people will stop engaging with a website if the content or layout is unattractive. Therefore, optimizing user experience and design is crucial. As Jakob Nielsen, a leading expert in usability, emphasizes, “The first requirement for an exemplary user experience is to meet the exact needs of the customer, without fuss or bother.”

Make sure your website is easy to navigate, with intuitive menus and clear calls-to-action, to minimize frustration and ensure a smooth browsing experience. Because if a visitor lands on your website and is immediately greeted by an outdated layout, hard-to-read text, slow load times, and confusing navigation. They’re likely to become frustrated and abandon the site, even if your content is valuable. 

Actionable Item:

Conduct a user experience (UX) audit to identify pain points and areas for improvement. Test your website’s navigation, load times, and responsiveness across different devices to ensure a seamless browsing experience.

3. Nail Your Copy:

A beautiful website without great copy is like a beautiful screenplay without a story – you’re going to lose people. Copy dictates design, not the other way around.

To write powerful website copy, start by understanding your audience’s pain points, desires, and motivations. Then, craft messages that speak directly to them, addressing their needs and offering solutions in a clear and compelling manner.

Website copywriting deserves its own blog post, but here are the three elements we always tell our clients when writing powerful website words that sell:


Nobody likes to be judged or told what to do. Infuse empathy so that your readers feel understood, safe, and supported!


Use data, testimonials, case studies, quotes to back up what you’re saying to make your copy less fluffy and more credible and expert-led.


Emotions: People buy emotionally and then justify logically. Does your copy help them feel something? Does it help them see what their life would be like if they worked with you or bought from you?

Download this Website Conversion Checklist to get instant access to these 21 small, powerful tweaks to boost your website conversions–right now! 

Ready to take your website to the next level? Our team at Hype Studio is here to help. With our proven framework and expertise in branding, design, and copywriting, we’ll work with you to create a website that not only captivates but converts.

Whether you’re launching a new business or looking to revamp your existing online presence, we’ve got you covered. Contact us today to schedule a consultation and discover how we can help you achieve your business goals.


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Waiting for the perfect moment to redo your website?

It was probably yesterday.

Attract and convert more ideal clients—those who respect your process, trust your expertise, and can’t resist your incredible taste, personality, and messaging.

Simply put —
your website will live rent-free in your audience’s heads.