🍿👀 How our Monster Inc. popcorn bucket holds secrets for your biz

July 30, 2024

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Not to brag or anything, but we’ve been to one of the BEST countries in the world, Japan 🇯🇵, three times!

We may not have graduated to professional Japan travel pro status, but one thing we do know from our three visits is this: the Japanese have diminutive details down to an art. From food to fashion to customer service, THEY ARE THE BEST!

Take the 🍿 popcorn buckets in Disneyland, for example,

The Monster Inc. one that we snagged? It’s filled with details and Easter eggs, and it brings us so much joy that even when we’re back in Canada, we STILL bring it to the theatre to hold our popcorn.


What’s crazy is that we’re STILL not tired of Japan. We want to keep going back every year.

Wouldn’t you want your audience to feel the same way about your business?

Sometimes the tiniest details are titanic brand-builders.

And that is why we adore microcopy and microdesign.

Microcopy: the small bits of text used in user interfaces to guide, inform, and assist users: subheadings, CTAs, thank you page copy, signature copy, etc.

Microdesign: the small visual and interactive elements within a UI that contribute to the overall design: patterns, icons, textures, etc.

The best way to describe it is that these microdetails are like sprinkles on a cupcake, making you smile and feel at ease, wanting more.

Feeling like your brand and website are boring, not making people smile or fall in love with your brand, and not inspiring them to explore more?

You might be missing the tiny (but important) details that turn more leads into loyal clients.

If you’re ready to attract better clients who will adore and respect your business, we can help you get those details dialled in!

Check out our services here →

It’s time for you to increase your brand recognition and revenue!


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