Our Honest Advice to Someone who Wants to Get More Clients Consistently

June 4, 2024

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So, you’re here, feeling the hustle and grind of trying to consistently attract more clients. We totally get it—you’re out there posting on social media, battling imposter syndrome (you’re not the only one!), and wondering where to even begin. You start getting frustrated especially with every online guru saying how “EASY” it is to have $10k, $20k, or even $30k months. But let’s be real, it’s not as simple as they make it sound.

You might feel overwhelmed by all the conflicting advice out there, unsure which strategy will actually work for you. But don’t worry, we’ve got your back with some honest advice to help you turn those client leads into raving clients.

What’s Really Happening in the Online Business Space?

People have objections, they’re clutching their wallets tighter than ever, and trust can be hard to come by. The market is flooded with offers, and clients are becoming more discerning.

BUT—people are still willing to invest in solutions that genuinely solve their problems. And as a business owner, it’s your job to communicate the VALUE of what you do.

Because sorry, your work doesn’t speak for itself. You need to actively showcase how your services can transform your clients’ lives. Here’s some tough love: if you’re not clearly articulating why someone should choose you, they’ll choose someone else.

Three Common Misconceptions Holding You Back

1. If You Give Enough Value, They’ll Buy

If that were true, encyclopedias would be New York Times Bestsellers already. Free content doesn’t necessarily mean conversions. Your audience doesn’t need more to-dos and free tips. They need to know WHY they need to take action now and how YOU can transform their lives. Value is important, but it’s not the whole story. You need to connect your value directly to their pain points and show them the transformation you can bring.

2. You Just Need to Show Up Consistently

Sure, consistency does help. But showing up without knowing how to convert is like filling water in a leaky bucket—you’re losing a lot of water! Consistent effort is great, but it needs to be strategically directed towards generating and converting leads. Let’s make sure you’re getting the ROI you want from your marketing efforts. You in?

3. “ My Work Should Sell for Itself ”

Imagine you’re in search of a tutor for your kids and have two potential candidates, both equally qualified for the job. What other factors would you consider? Probably a few, right? Pricing, personality, commitment, etc.

Your audience is doing the exact same thing.

However, if you’re timid, quiet, and give up easily after making a few Instagram posts, don’t expect people to run to you and knock on your doors.

Many people believe that if they just do good work, clients will come knocking on their door. While quality work is important, it’s not enough on its own. Your potential clients need to know about your work and understand its value. This requires proactive communication and marketing efforts on your part.

The Three A’s of Sales Success

So what gives? What do you need to do to get more clients?

1. Attention

As Gary Vaynerchuk famously said, “Attention is your greatest currency.” Whether it’s through eye-catching visuals, compelling headlines, or engaging content, you need to stand out. This means knowing your audience and tailoring your message to resonate with them. Your first goal is to make them stop scrolling and pay attention to what you have to say.

Easier said than done, I know…because many business owners find themselves in a dilemma—they’re great problem-solvers, but they’re “cursed” by their knowledge. They use jargon and language that their audience has no idea why they should care.

As a marketer, the biggest question you need to answer is “What’s in it for THEM?”

So, cut through the noise and speak their language to capture their attention effectively.

Learn from Hush; they honestly have a stellar copywriting team.

See what they did there?

No technical jargon or terms about the materials or technology they use, even though they KNOW it’s what sets them apart. But they’re smart marketers; they know what their audience REALLY wants (better sleep and a blanket feels like a hug) and they use THEIR language to communicate that.

Remember, the best copy is not in your head; it’s in your audience’s heads.

2. Anticipation

Once you have their attention, build anticipation and excitement. Your enthusiasm is more important than you know. How you show up and how you speak about your products or services impact their perception. Share your passion and let it shine through. When you’re confident and excited about what you offer, it becomes contagious.

Here are some tangible tips to help you generate buzz and anticipation:

  • Tease Upcoming Releases: Share sneak peeks, behind-the-scenes footage, or teaser trailers of your upcoming products or services. This creates anticipation and builds excitement among your audience.
  • Countdown Timers: Use countdown timers on your website or social media platforms to create a sense of urgency and anticipation around an upcoming launch or event. This encourages your audience to stay engaged and ensures they don’t miss out.
  • Exclusive Previews: Offer exclusive previews or early access to select members of your audience. This makes them feel special and valued, while also generating excitement for the full release.
  • Engage with Your Audience: Encourage your audience to participate in the anticipation process by asking for their input or feedback. This could be through polls, surveys, or Q&A sessions where they can ask questions about the upcoming release.
  • Create Mystery: Keep some elements of your upcoming release a mystery to pique curiosity and intrigue. Drop hints or clues leading up to the big reveal to keep your audience guessing and excited to learn more.
  • Build Anticipation through Storytelling: Use storytelling to create an emotional connection with your audience and build anticipation for your product or service. Share stories about how your offering will solve their problems or improve their lives, making them eager to experience it for themselves.

3. Action

You’ve grabbed their attention, you’ve built anticipation, now it’s time to seal the deal. Are you giving your audience enough opportunities to take action? Think about it: studies show that people need to see something approximately seven times before they even notice it.

So, what are you doing on a weekly basis to ensure you’re giving your audience enough opportunities to engage with your brand?

First and foremost, make your calls to action (CTAs) crystal clear and frequent. Whether it’s signing up for a newsletter, downloading a free resource, booking a consultation, or making a purchase, your audience should know exactly what you want them to do next. Don’t assume they’ll figure it out on their own. Be direct, be specific, and be consistent in prompting them to take action.

Also, make sure your CTAs are strategically placed throughout your marketing channels. They should appear not only on your website but also in your social media posts, emails, blog content, and any other touchpoints where your audience interacts with your brand. Consistency across channels is key to reinforcing your message and maximizing conversion opportunities.


Navigating the landscape of online business requires more than just a compelling pitch or a flashy website. It demands a strategic approach to every touchpoint of your marketing strategy. By mastering the art of directing your audience’s attention and guiding their next steps across your website, social media, email, and blog, you not only increase engagement but also drive conversions and foster lasting relationships with your customers.


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Waiting for the perfect moment to redo your website?

It was probably yesterday.

Attract and convert more ideal clients—those who respect your process, trust your expertise, and can’t resist your incredible taste, personality, and messaging.

Simply put —
your website will live rent-free in your audience’s heads.